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The rate at which the pandemic hits the country is still a rude shock to most of us,
There’s no way of slithering around it: in this present moment for most people, job security is on the decline and unemployment is hiking.
Now is the time to be VALUABLE! This is when you made yourself "the business" such that an organization cannot lose you because of your expertise.
upskill yourself!
The change train is moving very fast and I advise you hop on it as quick as possible, this is not the time to fold arms and wait for things to get better, now is the time to get out of your comfort zone and get better!

Organization are moving from the regular 8-5 office job to remote working, which means most operations will be largely digital, how efficient is your computer skills especially PowerPoint??

I will not fail to rule out that they're a shift in service demand, at the moment most organizations recruit  "Social media manager, digital marketing manager, brand strategist" ( i am sure you can see the advert everywhere) Firms are trying to build an online database, and have an online audience where they can regulate their business with minimal physical business operations

Hence, Remote work may become the norm, and, with that, there comes to an increase in demands on Internet connectivity, cybersecurity, and video conferencing? the need for IT specialists/network engineers cannot be overemphasized. upskill yourself!!

Some companies may even realize that some jobs are more expendable than they realized and others more critical than they anticipated,  The role for front desk/receptionist will be dispensed (less physical, more digital)

When and if we are through the pandemic we expect to see much more emphasis on flexible working, so ensure you have the  right skills, technology, and wellbeing

While it’s clear that digital skills are of huge importance at this challenging time and we’ve all had to embrace technology, inherently human skills such as resilience, adaptability, empathy, creativity and critical thinking are proving to be just as important too." So soft skill cannot be entirely ruled out

Now is as good a time as any to become familiar with upskilling and reskilling as employees/management

Need our services? Professional Resume/Cover letter writing /Linked Optimization
Call or WhatsApp peculiar

Join our WhatsApp and Telegram group for more articles as this, and you can get access to job vacancies.

Have a productive Monday.


  1. While businesses favour the benefits that digital transformation brings, some talent may be left behind as their skills are no longer required in the new normal. The widening skills gap will also have a long-term impact on the workforce. Read: 1 in 2 hongkongers struggles to acquire new skills to adapt to the pandemic: randstad workmonitor.


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