What is CV?
Who reads your CV?
What is CV? A CV Is a document you write about yourself, it is your marketing material for your services as an employee, it needs to sell you, tell people you have the right skills and knowledge they are looking for and it needs to win you interviews because that is the ultimate aim.
Who reads your CV??...
The Hiring Manager
The Recruiter
The Employer.
The Hiring Manager is the HR personnel of the company who deals with the employee functions and relations. They are responsible for recruiting, selection, compensations and all HR functions within the organization.
The Recruiter this is an outsourcing HR firms who performs HR functions on behalf of a company, they are a tripartite employment relations system who employ employees on behalf of an organisation usually on a contract basis.
The Employer the employers are usually the business owners, who carries out HR functions mostly without HR experience or knowledge. They screen candidates base on managers intuition or business experience.
Either of this 3 people are very busy and don't have time to spend on a lengthy CV especially one without experience so one of the keys to note is ensure CV is detailed and concise.
How to make a fresh graduate CV
1) The Format
The Font: Ensure the font is simple, clear and easy to read, preferably use Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, Georgina fonts. Please stay always from monspace, raleway and the likes.
Simple colour scheme: use a black text in a white background, no need for colours
Clearly divide your sections: Every section should have a bold heading and a bounder so that people can easily navigate the page
Break text up: short paragraphs and lots of bullets points
Keep it nice, concise. like earlier stated HR and Recruiters see alot of CVs, they dont have time to spend on yours and employers are very busy, they just need to spend few minutes on your cv, ensure its 1 page if possible but with key content.
2)The Content
*Name and Contact details at the right or middle top of your CV (you don't want recruiters to miss your contact) your contact details should contain. Your name, location, telephone and email (LinkedIn profile if you have). There is no need for religion, date of birth, state of origin, status etc. They are not needed at this stage.
*Personal Profile or Professional/Career Summary:
This is an introductory paragraph that just summarise your skills and background and all you can bring to the organisation, it is delicate part of your CV that keep people glue to your CV. It should contain a nice overview to why you are the suitable candidate for the role you are applying for, in a nice quick few lines. It should contain your education since you dont have any work experience, because that where bulk of your skills and knowledge come from.
Your objective! why you want to want in to work that industry and and most importantly why you think you will be good at it. So it should contain your
-Relevant skills to the role you applying for. (Soft skills mostly if you don't have hard skills. Soft are skills not specific to any role but very relevant to the job).
Core Skills and Achievement: This should contain what you did both in and out of school,vocational work, volunteer services ensure they are relevant to the role you are applying for
Education: Your Education should in a descending order from your present to your revelant least. There is not need for your primary school education or even your secondary school details. That you went to the polythenic or university shows you went to both secondary and primary school and you have the certificates. Those informations are not relevant. From PHD to OND in a descending order. *Only add grades if they are good or excellent* please do not put your failures on your CV.
Hobbies, Interest:Please include hobbies that are relevant to the job role. Like you love reading, learning, meeting new people, you love research. Do not put "I look cooking, listening to music, sleeping".
Be careful what you put as your hobbies cause that may just be what will end your beautifully written CV in the trash bin. Do not put travelling unless you like to travel, cause when situation cause for this, your resume will be the reference point, because it was already stated that you love to travel. Ensure you are honest about what your hobbies are but without details that are very irrelevant to your job or might implicate you in the future.
How to improve your resume
I like to think that your resume is YOU! Written in a paper, So to improve your CV?Simply improve Yourself!
Get volunteer work, do free interns, learn!!
Up skills yourself! do vocational courses offline or online, you dont even have to finish the course, once you have started kindly put it on your resume that you have started a course especially when its relevant to your job roles.
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Great read! Thanks for sharing